Easter Boogie 2024
EASTER BOOGIE 202423/03/24 to 31/03/24 Load organizers:Formation SkydivingFreefly ActivitiesBeach JumpsParties and MusicHappy Hours REGISTER HEREEarly registration 60 Euros until the 7th of marchFrom the 8th of March 65 Euros
24/12/24 – 31/12/24EVERY DAY:Load organised jumps (Free Fly i FS)MILKO, SIAN STOKES, JUAN MAYER, RICHIE HORNIG, ALAIN DONY and more L.O. to be anouncedA-Team –Wingsuit Flocking –Food, drinks, musicAfter jumping happy hourDay VideoFREE on site motorhome parking space REGISTRATION HEREEarly registration: 65€After 2/12/24: 70€
Horari de l’activitat i obertura al públic:De dilluns a divendres: 09:00 h a 20:45 hCaps de setmana i festius: 08:30 h a 20:45 h Del 24/11/01 al 31/03/25 els dies d’obertura són de dimecres a diumenge. Dilluns i dimarts, estarem tancats excepte per esdeveniments especials. Tanquem per vacances del 25/06/01 al 24/01/25 Si té qualsevol